Delve into the Exquisite Bakeries Creations of Exception

March 11, 2024

Bakeries are the cornerstone of any kitchen, thanks to their versatility.

Whether it’s a quick breakfast, a delicious mid-day snack, or a light, flavorful dinner, they always hit the spot.

At Exception, we understand the importance of bakeries goods for all ages, especially during the blessed month of Ramadan. That’s why we offer a variety of flavors, each more delightful than the last and loved by many. bakeries sweeten your suhoor and make breaking your fast after a long day enjoyable with their unique flavors.

Let’s start with one of the most beloved bakeries items for both young and old: the “Feteer Meshaltet.”

Exception offers two sizes of Feteer:

a large one for family gatherings, perfect for adding your favorite fillings, and a small one for personal enjoyment, whether for suhoor with your favorite cheese or as a tasty breakfast to recharge your energy after fasting.

فطير مشلتت

Speaking of fresh, flaky pastries, we can’t forget “Exception’s Bread“:

It’s perfect for all your savory fillings before the sweets. It’s not just delicious for breakfast, suhoor, or kids’ lunch boxes, but it’s also ideal for any gathering.

We offer three varieties of fresh bread:

  • The French with a sesame touch, perfect for hot dog fillings, shawarma, fajitas, and other delicious options, It’s a perfect choice for lunch fillings or as part of your Ramadan suhoor spread.
  • For a quick and light suhoor, enjoy our two sizes of fresh Fino: regular and mini; They’re perfect with cheese, eggs, or any other delicious suhoor fillings and fit perfectly into kids’ lunch boxes with their flaky texture and delicious flavor.


And as we talk about Exception’s daily fresh bakery goods, we can’t forget the essential element of any Ramadan gathering:

Mini Sandwich Boxes:

Indulge in Exceptional Bakeries: We also offer two sizes of Mini Sandwich Boxes. The large size consists of 8 delicious varieties, including cold cuts, cheese, and more, making it the perfect choice for cherished family gatherings to sweeten the moments and delight the senses with each delectable option, serving approximately 5 to 6 people.

And if you’re seeking a non-traditional suhoor experience, we recommend trying the small-sized box, which includes 4 varieties of cold cuts, meat, chicken, and delightful cheese

مني ساندوتش


It’s diverse, flavorful, and sure to please, Salezone comes in two sizes, with eight delicious varieties in the large size, serving up to six people, and five varieties in the small size, perfect for two people. It’s an excellent choice for a non-traditional, quick suhoor or added to kids’ lunch boxes for its flaky texture and delightful taste.


Now, let’s move on to the most beloved bakeries  item loved by all ages:

Rost Beef’s Croissants.

At Exception, we offer irresistible flavors of flaky croissants like Croissant Rose beef. It’s a delicious choice for croissant and cold cuts lovers, as the tender beef slices complement the layers of fresh, flaky croissant perfectly. Enjoy it with your favorite hot beverages or as a quick suhoor option.

Roast Beef Croissant

And let’s not forget the lovers of cream cheese. We offer a flaky, fresh Patte, the yummest type of our bakeries ever;

Exception cheese patte

filled with the finest cream cheese, a choice that’s hard to resist. The harmony between the flaky patte and the creamy cheese makes it an excellent option for a non-traditional, quick suhoor or added to kids’ lunch boxes.

And last but not least, the most popular item: pizza.

Everyone loves it for its flaky crust and unique, delicious toppings, For pizza lovers, we offer Mini Pizza one of our top bakeries, consisting of eight slices with delicious toppings and a flaky, fresh crust. It’s a tasty choice for a lunchtime snack or a light, delicious suhoor option, perfect for breaking the fast-during Ramadan.


As we approach the blessed month of Ramadan, we offer a fresh assortment of sweet treats every day, from mini donuts to cinnamon rolls, let’s start talk about each of them:

Mini Donuts: 

After a long day of fasting, many people often crave something sweet to refresh their senses and replenish their energy. Nothing beats Exception’s bakeries like a donuts in this regard. Knowing that donuts have a wide audience, we offer a box of 12 irresistible pieces, catering to all tastes. Perfect for Ramadan gatherings.


Finally we cannot forget introducing the most irritable type of bakeries that all ages adore ” Cinnamon Rolls

Everyone loves Cinnabon for its flaky texture and unique cinnamon flavor that tantalizes your taste buds and brings joy to your lips with every bite. It’s the perfect indulgence alongside a cup of coffee or any favorite warm beverage.


In conclusion, there’s more to discover at Exception with our wide range of fresh, flaky bakeries goods. Visit our website, place your order online, and save yourself the hassle during fasting.