Exception Egypt: Your One-Stop Shop for Fino Bread.

July 28, 2024

Fino Bread: The Beloved and Most Used Bread Type

Fino bread is undoubtedly one of the most beloved and widely used bread types, thanks to its numerous uses, which we will explore in the following lines.

Fino Bread at Exception

Exception’s Fino Bread stands out for its fluffy texture and daily freshness, making it a delightful addition to various meals.

Here are some popular ways to use it:

  • Breakfast: Some prefer using Fino Bread for breakfast with delicious cheese fillings or various cold meats. Others enjoy it with sweet treats like jam and honey.


  • Dinner: Fino Bread also makes for a tasty and easy-to-prepare dinner when stuffed with any filling.


  • School Lunchboxes: It is a favorite among children for school lunchboxes due to its fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth texture.

The versatility and beloved nature of Fino Bread make it a favorite for both adults and children alike.

More than Just Fino Bread at Exception

Fino Bread

But do you think Exception only offers Fino Bread?

If so, you are entirely mistaken. Exception also offers French bread, known for its large size, suitable for all types of grills, and fresh, fluffy texture.

Other Delicious Baked Goods:

Mini Pizza—8 Pieces:

This is perfect for trips or quick snacks during a busy day. Enjoy Exception’s Mini Pizza, with its fluffy texture and delicious flavor that will leave you wanting more.

Mini Pizza

Small Feteer Meshaltet :

It’s time to enjoy all the cheese flavors you love more deliciously and unconventionally with Exception’s fluffy Meshaltet Pie. It features layers of fresh pie that melt in your mouth and add a tasty touch to any side dish.


Mini Sausage Patties—12 Pieces:

Exception’s Mini Sausage Patties are essential for all gatherings and birthdays. Their fresh texture harmonizes perfectly with the delicious sausage filling, making them a crowd favorite.

Mini suages croissant

Mini Turkey Croissants – 12 Pieces:

Add an irresistible touch to your gatherings with Mini Croissants flavored with turkey from Exception, boasting a distinctive aroma and taste.


Mini Pastrami Patties—12 Pieces:

Exception’s Mini Pastrami Patties add a nontraditional, delicious touch to your breakfast. Enjoy the harmony between the fresh, fluffy patty and pastrami’s distinctive, delicious taste. We guarantee an experience you won’t regret.

Pastrami Croissant

Chicken Pizza—Single Piece:

Whenever you crave pizza, give yourself a chance to enjoy Exception’s Chicken Pizza. Tasty chicken pieces meet the fresh, fluffy pizza base, making for a delicious, quick snack.


All the above, from Fino Bread to other baked goods, is just a tiny part of the wide variety of exceptional baked products with unique flavors that delight the senses from the first bite.

Visit our online store to discover the most delicious baked goods from Exception Egypt, including Fino Bread and French bread.

Choose the perfect one to enhance your moments or gatherings with them.

If you are a fan of oriental or Western sweets, you will find an extensive selection of the most delicious sweets that will win your approval.

Visit Exception Egypt’s online store and choose what you love from a wide range of sweets, ice cream, biscuits, and more. You can also experience the fresh, fluffy Fino Bread from Exception. Exception’s Fino Bread is for lovers of fresh baked goods.